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Patriotic Commission Minutes 04-16-2012
April 16, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Len Glasser, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roger Anderson, Peter Anthony. Herb Asplund, Gene Botteron, Billy Carroll, Len Glasser, Bob Hornish, Daria Plummer (alt.), Art Sladyk (alt.).

The minutes of March 19, 2012 were approved with the following corrections:  K-2 essay contest winners are: First: Michael Ngo; Second: Meghan Serignese; Third: Sophie Finer.
Motion: Anderson/Hornish. Move to accept the minutes as corrected.  /Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented by Len Glasser; approved by consensus.

CORRESPONDENCE: Invitation received to the Eugene Policelli Award presentations, May 1, 7 PM, main lobby, SWHS.  RSVP to: by April 24.


Essay Contest, Roger Anderson
  • Letters to essay contest winners are ready to be sent.
  • Winners will come before the Town Council June 4, 7:45 PM, to share posters and first place essays will be read.
Evening In The Park:  May 19, 2012
  • Kent has contacted Cary Prague about the sign toppers and has arranged for the following: the bounce house, petting zoo, face painting, patriotic pins.
  • Bobby T’s is catering this year
  • Fireworks permit is being signed and Kent to obtain  state police approval of the same
  • Sign permits obtained and will be turned in
  • Bill Carroll will confirm if SW will put up signage and will work with Kent on PR
  • Report on the chairs permit will be made at the next meeting
Memorial Day Parade: May 28, 2012  (Len Glasser and Art Sladyk are working together on details of the parade)
  • Correspondence has begun and is being sent out
  • Speaker confirmed; flags obtained
  • Correspondence will be sent for parade and ceremony
  • Six new bricks will be placed at VMP during the ceremony following the parade.
Bob Moeller assisted in brick ordering
Bob Hornish volunteered to work with Kent and Len to publicize the memorial bricks at various Patriotic Commission events

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 16, 2012
  • Peter confirmed that the flags would be burned on June 16, behind Firehouse #1.
  • Additional flags collected for burning.
Veterans Day Parade:  November 4, 2012
Not sure of the date because Veterans Day falls on a Sunday and there might be an issue with the bands and local ceremonies.

Veterans Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2012
No report. We are awaiting the decision as to when the parade will be held, either Sunday, November 4 or 11. It is anticipated that veterans will be invited to SWHS on June 9, approx. 7:30-11, to work with classes.

Veterans in the Schools: Date uncertain, as Veterans Day is a Sunday.

Wreaths Across America: December 15, 2012.


Report on the proposed wall at VMP made by Art Sladyk
  • Meeting held with town personnel
  • Contractor[s] being sought for pro bono work [site work, electrical]
  • Wall proposed to have a polished stone insert, with insignias of the branches on segments within
  • Vegetation will be planted behind the wall
  • Current bricks need to be removed to level area and then replaced
  • Funding to come from donations and/or town
  • Commission eventually will make presentation before the Town Council for requisite permission needed
Report on pins
  • Cary Prague has arranged for 20 pins to be made

  • Daria presented South Windsor Voices II, a community project of essays about schooling. Flyers were distributed; submissions encouraged.
The next meeting will be held Monday, May 21, at 7:30.

Adjournment: 8:17, on a motion to adjourn. Motion: H. Asplund/B. Carroll.

Respectfully submitted,

Daria Plummer